Happy eyes in 5 minutes a day

Play your way to better eyesight and happier eyes

Play your way to happy, healthy eyes

Happy eyes in 5 minutes a day is a self-study course for parents and educators, who are concerned about children's eyesight.  As more and more children complain about blurry vision, itchy eyes or headaches, we ask ourselves how we can step in before a problem occurs, or at the early stages to prevent or reduce eye strain.  Luckily, seeing habits are really intuitive and easy to understand. They can be integrated into games and fun.
And... talk about easy! This course was designed with YOU in mind. I know you are busy and would like to spend your precious time playing with your kids. In this course, investing literally no time (oh, ok, 5 minutes), you will gain understanding and will be able to recognize beneficial conditions for eye health, and get to know what the eyes need to see well, and be well.
  • 5 minutes or less of daily audio, with a tip and a game for your eyes, spend the rest of your time playing. 
  • No video to watch, so you can learn on the move, while you drive or prepare a snack. 
  • 15 easy and clear tips and game examples. 
  • 3 week course - not too long, not too short - With access to the audios for 1 year.  
  • You´ll be surprised how much you will know about eyesight and care for kids by the end of 3 weeks. 

Course Curriculum

Orit Ojos

Soy Orit Kruglanski (Orit Ojos), educadora visual y escritora. Ayudo a personas de todas las edades a jugar para ver mejor, reducir la tensión en sus ojos y bajar la necesidad de gafas. Me pusieron gafas cuando tenía 7 años y a los 38 empecé a mejorar la vista de una miopía de -8.5 dioptrías a mi vida actual, libre de gafas. Soy la autora de “Veo Bien”, un libro ilustrado del método Bates para niñas y niños (y adultos que se lo compran en secreto) y “Juega para ver mejor, una guia parental para mejorar y cuidar la vista de forma natural”. Vivo en Barcelona y enseño visión natural en clases presenciales y por internet

Course Pricing

Happy Eyes

$55 USD

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Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Fun, Short and to the point.
I loved the fact I didn´t have to look at videos. I learned so much. Thank you!!

Carla P.
Fashion designer